Diabetes mellitus and Carbohydrate disorder

– complex chronic metabolic disorder leading to multiorgan complications Main pathophysiological questions related to DM
– complex chronic metabolic disorder leading to multiorgan complications Main pathophysiological questions related to DM
Why and how the DM develops?
Why and how develop the
complications of DM?
What are the mechanisms
involved in manifestation of diabetic
symptoms and signs ?
Regulation of the blood
glucose level depends on liver:
1. extracting glucose from blood
2. synthesizing glycogen
3. performing glycogenolysis
4.performing gluconeogenesis
• Plasma glucose is tightly regulated by hormones:
↓Plasma glucose
↑Plasma glucose
CortisolGrowth hormone
Definition of DM
DM is a chronic complex
syndrome induced by absolute or relative deficit of insuline which is
characterized by metabolic disorders of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
The metabolic
disturbances are accompanied by loss of carbohydrate tolerance, fasting
hyperglycaemia, ketoacidosis, decreased lipogenesis, increased lipolysis,
increased proteolysis and some other metabolic disorders
Classification of DM
Base for the classification are etiopathogenetic mechanisms
involved in onset and development of DM
Types of DM
I. Diabetes mellitus - type 1: due to
destruction of beta cells of pancreatic islets
absolute deficit of insulin
A. subtype: induced by autoimmunity processes
B. subtype: idiopathic mechanism
II.Diabetes mellitus -type 2: at the
beginning-predomin of insulin resistance and relative deficit of insulin(normo-hyper
-insulinemia), later on -
combination of impaired
insulin secretion and simultaneous insulin resistance (hypoinsulinemia, insulin resistance)
III. Other specific types of
· DM due to genetic defects
of beta cells of pancreas islets
and due to genetic defect of insulin function
DM due to diseases influencing exocrine functions of pancreas –
- secondary
is damaged endocrine function, too.
· DM due to
endocrinopathies, drugs, chemicals, infections,
and genetic disturbances
IV. Gestational DM -
glucose intolerance
which onsets for the first time during pregnancy
WHO Diagnostic Criteria DM
Fasting blood glucose > 126 mg/dl
Random blood glucose > 200 mg/dl
One value is diagnostic
in symptomatic
Two values are needed
in asymptomatic people
- Population Doubling Time in
Some Mediterranean Countries - (HYPOGLYCEMIA
The blood glucose falls to less than
50 -60 mg/dL.
It can be caused by too much insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents, too little food, or excessive physical activity.
It often occurs before meals,
especially if meals are delayed or
snacks are omitted.
The blood glucose falls to less than
50 -60 mg/dL.
It can be caused by too much insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents, too little food, or excessive physical activity.
It often occurs before meals,
especially if meals are delayed or
snacks are omitted.
Clinical Manifestations
The clinical manifestations of hypoglycemia
may be grouped into two categories:
1-adrenergic symptoms
2-central nervous system (CNS) symptoms.
In mild hypoglycemia, as the blood glucose level falls, the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, resulting in a rise of epinephrine or nor epinephrine.
This causes symptoms such as sweating, tremor, tachycardia, palpitation, nervousness, and hunger
Clinical Manifestations
In moderate hypoglycemia, the fall in blood glucose level
deprives the brain cells of needed fuel for functioning.
Signs of impaired function of the CNS may include inability to
concentrate, headache, lightheadedness, confusion, memory
lapses, numbness of the lips and tongue, slurred speech, impaired
coordination, emotional changes, irrational or combative
behavior, double vision, and drowsiness.
In severe hypoglycemia, CNS function is so impaired. Symptoms
may include disoriented behavior, seizures, difficulty arousing
from sleep, or loss of consciousness- Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
- Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is an acute
metabolic complication of diabetes characterized by hyperglycemia, hyperketonemia,
and metabolic acidosis. DKA occurs mostly in type 1 diabetes. It causes nausea,
vomiting, and abdominal pain and can progress to cerebral edema, coma, and
death. DKA is diagnosed by detection of hyperketonemia and anion gap
metabolic acidosis in the presence of hyperglycemia. Treatment involves
volume expansion, insulin replacement, and prevention of hypokalemia.
- Nonketotic Hyperosmolar Syndrome (NKHS)
- Nonketotic hyperosmolar syndrome (NKHS) is a
metabolic complication of diabetes mellitus (DM) characterized by
hyperglycemia, extreme dehydration, hyperosmolar plasma, and altered
consciousness. It most often occurs in type 2 DM, often in the setting of
physiologic stress. NKHS is diagnosed by severe hyperglycemia and serum
hyperosmolarity and absence of significant ketosis. Treatment is IV saline
solution and insulin. Complications include coma, seizures, and death
- Nutrition and diabetes
Nutritional management of DM should
start with nutritional assessment.
Food for diabetic people should be:
High in starchy carbohydrates
High in NSP (fibre)
Low in salt and sugar (not sugar free)
Low in fat (mainly saturated fat) - Nutrition and diabetes
Having diabetes doesn't mean that you
have to start eating special foods.
Rather than a restrictive diet, a diabetic
diet is a healthy-eating plan that is
rich in nutrients and doesn’t differ
from diet considered healthy for
Establish a routine for eating meals.
Consistency is a key. - Artificial sweetening
Sugar substitutes that contain little or
no calories are called artificial
sweeteners, non-nutritive sweeteners or
non-caloric sweeteners.
Well-known artificial sweeteners include
saccharin, sucralose and aspartame.
Nutritive sweeteners include sucrose
and fructose. - Artificial sweetening
Moderate use of nutritive (sucrose and
fructose) and non-nutritive sweeteners
(saccharin, aspartame and cyclamate)
can be part of a well-balanced diet for
However, diabetic patients, as other
people, should accustom themselves to
the low-sweetness taste.

- * Simple Carbohydrates
- * Complex
- * Starches
- * Fiber
- Carbohydrate metabolism disorder
- First we will talk about the normal Carbohydrate metabolism in
the body
- Carbohydrate metabolism:
- Carbohydrate metabolism begins with digestion in
the small intestine where monosaccharides are absorbed into the blood
stream. Blood sugar concentrations are controlled by three hormones: insulin,
glucagon, and epinephrine. If the concentration of glucose in the blood is
too high, insulin is secreted by the pancreas. Insulin stimulates the transfer
of glucose into the cells, especially in the liver and muscles, although
other organs are also able to metabolize glucose
- In the liver and muscles, most of the glucose is
changed into glycogen by the process of glycogenesis (anabolism).
Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles until needed at some later
time when glucose levels are low. If blood glucose levels are low, then
eqinephrine and glucogon hormones are secreted to stimulate the conversion
of glycogen to glucose. This process is called glycogenolysis
- If glucose is needed immediately upon entering the
cells to supply energy, it begins the metabolic process called glycoysis
(catabolism). The end products of glycolysis are pyruvic acid and ATP
- During strenuous muscular activity, pyruvic acid
is converted into lactic acid rather thatn acetyl CoA. Durlng the resting
period, the lactic acid is converted back to pyruvic acid. The pyruvic
acid in turn is converted back to glucose by the process called gluconeogenesis
(anabolism). If the glucose is not needed at that moment, it is converted
into glycogen by glycogenesis
- Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorders
- The metabolism of the carbohydrates galactose,
and glucose is intricately linked through interactions between different
enzymatic pathways, and disorders that affect these pathways may have
symptoms ranging from mild to severe or even life-threatening. Clinical
features include various combinations of hypoglycemia
(low blood sugar), liver enlargement, and muscle pain.
- Glycogen Storage Diseases 1-
- Glycogen storage diseases are caused by deficiencies
of enzymes involved in glycogen synthesis or breakdown; the deficiencies
may occur in the liver or muscles and cause hypoglycemia or deposition of
abnormal amounts or types of glycogen (or its intermediate metabolites) in
- Defects in glycolysis (rare) may cause
syndromes similar to GSDs.
- 2-Galactosemia
- Galactosemia is caused by inherited
deficiencies in enzymes that convert galactose to glucose. Symptoms and
signs include hepatic and renal dysfunction, cognitive deficits,
cataracts, and premature ovarian failure. Diagnosis is by enzyme analysis
of RBCs. Treatment is dietary elimination of galactose.
- Galactose is found in dairy products, fruits,
and vegetables .
- 3-Disorders
of Fructose Metabolism
- Deficiency of enzymes that metabolize
fructose may be asymptomatic or cause hypoglycemia, nausea and
vomiting, abdominal pain, sweating, tremors, confusion, lethargy,
seizures, and coma.
- Fructose is a monosaccharide that is present in
high concentrations in fruit and honey and is a constituent of sucrose and
- 4-Disorders
of Pyruvate Metabolism
- Inability to metabolize pyruvate causes lactic
acidosis and a variety of CNS abnormalities.
- Pyruvate is an important substrate in
carbohydrate metabolism
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency: Pyruvate
dehydrogenase is a multi-enzyme complex responsible for the generation of
acetyl CoA from pyruvate for the Krebs cycle. Deficiency results in
elevation of pyruvate and thus elevation of lactic acid levels
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