Friday, April 3, 2015

Obesity and Overweight

Obesity and Overweight

What is Obesity ?

Obesity is a state of accumulation of lipids in the body abnormally excessive or unusual degree of damage to health and obesity occurs because of an imbalance between energy generated by the food given to the body and the quantity that burn

What are the risks of obesity ?
Obesity on the human risk varies depending on the severity and location of the accumulation of lipids in the body as it represents the accumulation of abdominal fat is not dangerous to human less than overall obesity
And the adverse effects of obesity exposure to the risk of the following diseases :
- Diabetes.
- Heart disease and vascular (pressure, heart disease and arteries).
- Cancers.
- Bitterness stones.
- Mental disorders and social.
- Joint and muscle diseases.
- Especially fungal skin infections.

Obesity lead to higher death at an early age rate of 12 times I have obese people compared to ordinary persons.
And the growing risk of obesity with the length of time in which the body gets overweight.

Fact :
Obesity is not a guide to health where it can occur in people with malnutrition due to eating food is balanced, especially rich in carbohydrates and fat foods.

When an infected person is considered overweight?
The percentage of human weight to length as the body mass index and body mass calculated according to the following equation:
Grams per kilo of body weight divided by the length of a person in meters squared.
If a person's weight of 70 kg and a length of 1.75 m, a BMI equal to =
70 ÷ (1.70) 2 = 22.9
Persons classified proportion to the size of body mass as follows:
Underweight                                     Less than 18.5
Normal weight                                 18.5 _ 24.9
Overweight/obesity risk                25 _ 29.9
Obese                                                 30 _40
Obese patients                                 40 and above
Prevention of obesity and its complications:
There are three basic pillars for the prevention of obesity and disposal with which they occur:
1- Increase physical activity:
And that the practice of physical exercise for 45-60 Minutes three times a week at least or walking for half an hour to an hour a day on an ongoing basis
2- Improve the quality of the food and so:
* More frequent intake of vegetables, fruits, fish or red, lean white meat.
* Stay away from fatty diets and replaced by vegetable oils and animal fats such as olive oil and corn oil or sunflower oil.
* Limit the intake of starches and sweets.
* Do not excessive intake of sugar-sweetened beverages such as tea, coffee, juices and soft drinks Saved.
3- treatment of diseases associated with obesity:
Such as diabetes and high blood pressure, heart disease, because the risk of serious complications of these diseases (including death) when there is a growing obesity.

Advice :
Not recommended to use medicines as a way to ease the weight substitute for diet and physical activity, because these drugs are not guaranteed results and high cost and feasibility of use if the person tends to be the life of inactivity and neglect in food that lead to weight gain eating.

Obesity in children and adolescents:

Obesity is not limited to adults and the elderly as the growing numbers of children and young people began to suffer from obesity because of the demand for meals high quick energy and a lot of eating potato chips and corn (chips and popcorn) and sweets such as biscuits, chocolates and soft drinks long and sit behind computers or television and not physical activity.
Has been scientifically proven that obese children being obese in old age, and increase the likelihood of illness, which was limited to adults, such as diabetes and high blood pressure disease.
Obesity and pregnancy:
Pregnancy Is accompanied an increase women's weight, and in normal circumstances should not exceed 8- 12 kg increase during pregnancy, but many women neglect themselves, which exposes them to a significant increase in weight, which increases the risk of pregnancy and childbirth obstruct Care was born harmed displays.



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